Fuck Mel Gibson
I have had a confrontational relationship with Mel Gibson for most of my life. He was an enormous superstar during my peak years for impressionable movies. Braveheart, Lethal Weapon, and What Women Want taught me how to balance my savage masculinity with my tender estrogen filled heart. But Mel’s complicated: like most out of touch celebrities.
When my sister was in middle school she had an uncomfortable encounter with Mel. He was appearing on Total Request Live: the very popular MTV program hosted by Carson Daily. Mel and Carson were taking questions from callers. Somehow my sister made it through and got to speak live onair to Mel. I watched on TV in the other room and while all the details are fuzzy (I’d love for someone to find this clip) my sister started to ask her question when Mel jumped in to creepily flirt with her. For the first time I felt that brotherly urge to grab Gibson by the throat and protect my sister from that dirtbag. A recent text exchange with my sister reveals this event had memorable impact on both of us;

Since then, Gibson's career has rightfully faltered due to his lack of respect towards my sister. There were also rumors about Gibson being an Anti Symite or something.
I guess the public has forgotten about Mel’s transgressions and that they were willing to listen to him for 3 hours on Joe Rogan. I’m a JRE fan, but I had no interest in listening to my sister Ex, but this clip when crazy on my timeline
Gibson claims that he has three friends that all had stage 4 cancer and they were all cured by taking a combo of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole.
I hope Mel is right, I’m always rooting for cancer cures. However, it's hard to believe a strung out celebrity. Kirk Minihan addressed it on his show this week at the 40 min mark.
Cancer patients are constantly approached by well caring family members and friends with remedies for our illnesses. Some make sense and have actual medical studies to support it. Some are worth trying even though there is inconclusive evidence on its benefit. I appreciate peoples’ concern, but I’ve learned to consider the source. No offense to Mike– the checkout clerk at my local Ocean State Job Lot– but I don’t think rubbing garlic in my armpits is going to shrink my tumors. I’d rather listen to my Harvard educated doctor Dana Farber who has dedicated her entire life to knowing everything about my cancer subtype.
I am not naive enough to think that my Doctors know everything. I’ve been let down by a number of bad ones. In fact, I’d like to paint my face half blue, put on a skirt, grab a sword and pay a visit to a certain someone whose negligence really fucked me. But, for all the hate our medical system gets, it's still the best time in human history to be diagnosed with cancer.
In the end, cancer patients have the right to get treated however they see fit. If you disagree with traditional medicine then do your research and if you have the means follow your own path. Listen to alternative treatments but don’t be tricked into thinking that there aren’t thousands of very smart well intentioned individuals working incredibly hard to find a cure. They just don't have time to go on TV.
Thank you to the people that are doing everything you can to solve the ultimate Squid Game. Your work has saved my life so far, my kids appreciate it!