
Joe Capitani
My personal story
Life, Faith, Confidence
As a junior in college, I was blissfully unaware that there was something very wrong with me. Something that a decade later would prove to change everything.
Between classes one of our favorite activities was to hang out in the courtyard on a warm spring day playing wiffle ball. Really, the game was just a cover to check out cute girls. Most of the time we were purposefully hitting the ball into a group of girls so that one of us had an easy in. This was when I got the first clue that there was something wrong with me; not because I struck out with the ladies at an alarmingly high rate. It was more the electric shock I felt in my arm every time I threw the ball. Being your typical 21 year old college guy I shook off the pain and continued the pattern of classes, nap, bar, frozen corn dogs, sleep, do it all over the next day.